Just one more kiss my love
Just one more hug
Just one more day
Just one more song
Just one more dance
Just one more chance
www.anthealee.com |
Just one more kiss my love Just one more hug Just one more day Just one more song Just one more dance Just one more chance
Her mind is black, Her face is white, And she feels blue. How did she grow so blue? Because he turned his back, She was black. And out of his sight, her face bleached white. Oh fair she was before he left, not the sorry wight, That lay too long in the cold, dark sea, whose mind turned blue. Now that white-faced, blued soul, her mind less black, Will pray for HIS black soul, his white hair, his blue eyes Trinteen One young woman replies to another "She has to hold more cheeseboards". I imagined a waitress with platters of cheese all the way up her arm and one on her head! What were they talking about? A walk through active forestry Thinned trees, Cut, sawn, stacked neat Down under the sunlit cattle to the boggy lane below Making mud pies at Godolphin A group of younger children playing mud pies, one smartly-dressed girl says "You're weird, do you want to talk to my therapist, it's £5." Another girl replied "No I don't want to talk your therapist"… Overheard; on a street corner a group of boys, two with hoods, a very thin, starved-looking lad says "last time, last time I got seven years because they locked me in the house and stood me…" |